Technical Innovations
A Life on Two Wheels Like Coppi and Bartali

The use of the bicycle as a new means of transport became very popular as early as at the end of the 20th century. This vehicle became very common amog Resian knife grinders in the first decades of the 20th century, as it was very easy to afford also for those who didn’t have great financial possibilities.

After the purchase, the bicycle had to be adapted to the knife grinder’s work.   There were two basic changes to make. The first consisted in placing a down tube on the bicycle frame supporting a cogwheel similar to that of the derailleur, and to solder a smaller wheel to it.   Later, two struts had to be fixed on the tube so they could support a metal container with a pivot at its centre, and the abrasive grinder and a small cogwheel had to be attached to its axis.   The rotating movement was transmitted to the abrasive grinder through the pedals and the transmission chains, which the knife grinder had to place on the cogwheel after taking off the chain that usually produces the movement for going forward. The stability of the bicycle and its operator was rendered possible in the back by a kickstand attached to the wheel’s pivot, which lifted it from the ground. Two metal bars were attached to the handlebars and opened out to support the front part.

By bicycle, the knife grinders went on long trips and discovered various Italian regions, sometimes followed by their families.   The bicycle was not only the tool they used for their work, but also the means of transport from one location to another that carried the person, the work tools, and personal belongings.   These were kept in two wooden boxes   placed on the two baggage holders on the bicycle wheels.