The bedroom / ćaniba

Here you can find a reconstructed traditional bedroom, where some pieces of furniture and objects, mostly from the 19th century or the beginning of the 20th century, are exposed. The entire room, ceiling included, is painted and decorated with geometrical and floreal patterns. At the centre of the ceiling, the image of a Madonna and Child cannot go unnoticed.

On the right, after entering the room, you can notice a washstand on three iron legs supporting a chamber pot / bokal from Prato / Ravanca, a basin / sklëda, and a pitcher from Stolvizza / Solbica. Next to that, in the painted hope chest, linen clothing from Gniva / Njiwa is displayed. Next to the bed there is a soberly painted cradle from Stolvizza / Solbica. The nuptial bed with a straw mattress, filled with dry corn leaves, is covered with linen sheets and a woolen blanket, all from Stolvizza / Solbica. On the internal wooden windowsill, under the window, there is a sewing machine  from Uccea / Učja, which was operated by a handle

Opposite the bed there is a shelf  for hanging clothes from Stolvizza / Solbica. On the wall there are a souvenir picture from the Monte Santo / Sveta Gora sanctuary, a print of the crucifixion in a frame from Hostje, and two porcelain stoups from Stolvizza / Solbica. On a stool from Coritis / Korito, there are a devotional booklet, a pair of glasses, prayer beads, and some pictures of life in the Resia Valley in the past centuries.

Above the washstand, through the mirror, it is possible to listen to prayers and songs in the Resian dialect.